Highgate Parks and Recreation
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Youth Basketball - Winter

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.


Grades 1 & 2

The focus at this level is introducing the fundamentals and skill development while making it fun and developing a passion for the game. 
There will be 2 practices per week.  Practices will last 45 minutes.
Practices will begin in December
**Practice times and days may be changed by the volunteer coaches**

Grades 3 & 4

At this level a continued focus will be put on technical skill development, tactical training will also be introduced. There will be two 45 minute practices per week with scheduled games against neighboring towns. Participants are expected to be committed to their team and demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship at all times. 
Practices will begin in December
**Practice times and days may be changed by the volunteer coaches**


NOTE:  We NEED volunteer coaches for this season to be successful. If we do not have enough coaches, the program will not be able to run. Please considering volunteering to coach, thank you!

Registration cost includes a team t-shirt.

*All practices and home games will take place at the Highgate Elementary School Gym. *

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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